Actions & Social

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Environmental, Social, and Governance Sustainability

Environmentally, Ask2Travel focus on reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices. It includes initiatives such as investing in energy-efficient infrastructure, using renewable energy sources, implementing waste management systems, and promoting sustainable modes of transportation. By adopting these measures, our company can minimize its negative impact on the environment and contribute to the preservation of natural resources and ecosystems.
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In the social aspect, Ask2Travel prioritizes the well-being of its employees, customers, and local communities. This involve creating fair and inclusive employment practices, offering training and development opportunities for employees, and ensuring safe and healthy working conditions. Moreover, Ask2Travel engage with local communities and support social initiatives that benefit the destinations it operates in. We are collaborating with local organizations, promoting cultural preservation, and contributing to community development projects.

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Governance refers to the company’s internal practices and the way it is managed and governed. Ask2Travel committed to good governance. This can involve establishing strong governance structures, maintaining accurate and transparent financial reporting, and adhering to relevant laws and regulations. Additionally, the company can foster a culture of integrity and responsible business conduct, ensuring that its employees and partners follow ethical guidelines and standards.

Implementing ESG principles, our company brings several benefits.

The ESG report prepared for the LinoGroup Group, of which Ask2Travel is a member, includes all the data of the circular economy, in which Ask2Travel also participates.

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